All About Ayurveda

The 3 Body Types (Dosha's)

Ayurveda states that there are 3 Doshas or body types:

VATA:    comprised of the elements ETHER & AIR

PITTA:   comprised of the elements FIRE & WATER

KAPHA: comprised of the elements WATER & EARTH

All activities in the universe are comprised of the 3 universal laws of creation, maintenance / organisation and destruction.


The 3 Doshas can be categorised by these 3 univeral laws as follows:

Vata: responsible for controlling destruction by means of elimination of waste products from the body

Pitta: responsible for controlling maintenance and organisation by means of digestion and metabolism

Kapha: responsible for controlling creation by means of new growth, strength and protection of our human system

The 3 Doshas exist in every human being in every cell and atom of our being. We are all made up of a combination of the 3 Doshas.

The 3 Doshas can be categorised by these 3 universal laws as follows:

Vata: responsible for controlling destruction by means of elimination of the movement of waste products from the body. It is also the nerve force of the body responsible for all neurological, physical and emotional movement.

Pitta: responsible for controlling maintenance and organisation by means of digestion and metabolism. Pitta can be related to our internal fire or digestive system, body heat, digestive enzymes, biological metabolic and endocrine systems of the body.

Kapha: responsible for controlling creation by means of new growth, immunity, strength and protection of our human system. Kapha forms the building blocks or gross mass of the physical body. It is the connective tissue, plasma, blood, lymph etc.

Qualities of the 3 Doshas:

Vata: light, dry, cold, rough, subtle, gaseous

Pitta: hot, sharp, oily, dry, penetrating, light

Kapha: Damp, oily, heavy, smooth, slow, cold

Why do I need to know my Dosha?

To know your Dosha is to understand the proportion of elements you are made up from and thus who you are, what your are made of and what you are made for.

The science of the Doshas honours your individuality. As such, knowing your Dosha will help you:

~ know what to eat, how to exercise and how to live to stay energetic, healthy and happy;
~ understand that your health is established or destroyed through what you eat, your thoughts and feelings and your actions get practical tools to facilitate self-healing process;
~ develop clarity and support around your true nature,
~ learn easy practical techniques to enhance your health and well being;
~ be better equipped to deal with the demands of your current life situation;
~ understand that there is a connection between your external and internal environment;
~ better understand your children, partners, family and friends;
~ use simple diet & exercise & other lifestyle measures to keep you and your family running  harmoniously, and
~ develop clarity around your life purpose, vocation/work!

Ayurveda gives you the power to understand these interactions and keep you balanced, healthy and calm.

Your body has its own wisdom - so when something goes wrong in the body you have the key to unlock the language of the body to understand why this happens.

Who you are (your true nature)

According to Ayurveda, all processes of the human body are believed to be governed by a balance of the three Doshas.

In terms of a persons body type bi-doshic some are uni or tri-doshic.

Whichever dosha appears to dominate a person's behavior and physique is called their constitutional or body type. This is unique to you and is your true nature.   Each constitution type has particular strengths and susceptibilities.

Symptoms of imbalance of each Dosha:

Vata: brownish coating on the tongue towards the back part of the tongue. Other symptoms include irregular appetite and digestion; variable hunger; bloating, indigestion, intestinal cramps; constipation; dry stools; gurgling; gas.

Pitta: reddish colouration of tongue (normal tongue should be pinkish); yellow coating on tongue particularly around the middle of the tongue. Other symptoms include intense hunger but poor digestion; thirst; parched mouth; dry throat; loose burning stool; diahorrea; burning sensation in intestines; acid reflux; skin problems.

Kaphas: pale tongue with white coating towards the tip of the tongue. Other symptoms include not feeling hungry but comfort eating; heaviness and sluggishness after eating; sluggish bowels; bulky stool; feeling cold; sweet cravings, and craving stimulants such as coffee and sweets.

Remember, anyone can suffer from an imbalance in any of the Doshas regardless of what your body type is predominant in. 

Contact me direct for personalised consultations and therapies on:
p: +61 2 423 550 668

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